Why do I need one?
Since corn and soybeans are the primary crops grown in Illinois, fertilizers and tile drainage systems are used to maximize the production of these crops. One of the unintended results is that fertilizers leak into the tile drainage systems and move into the local waterways. Ten million acres of farmland are tile drained in Illinois; as a result, millions of gallons of water containing fertilizer wash into the waterways that feed into the Mississippi River and flow to the Gulf of Mexico.
Unfortunately, the nutrient load from Illinois contributes significantly to the annual "dead zone" in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Illinois is the #1 contributor of nitrogen (17%) and phosphorus (13%) loads to the Gulf, despite only contributing 7% of the flow. Illinois and 11 other states in the Mississippi River Basin have developed strategies to reduce their nutrient loads as part of a national plan to reduce the size of the Gulf of Mexico "dead zone".
Smart Wetlands for tile drainage are one of the most effective ways to keep nutrients from moving off the farmland into Illinois waterways. This proven practice is eligible for Farm Bill conservation program (cost-share) funding. Federal financial assistance is available through two different Farm Bill conservation programs: the Conservation Reserve Program and Environmental Quality Incentives Programs.
Currently, only a few constructed wetlands have been installed on Illinois farms, but we believe this practice could be replicated throughout Illinois and the Upper Midwest Farm Belt to improve local water quality and help address the "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico.
While Smart Wetlands are designed for the specific purpose of improving tile drainage water quality, they are still shallow marsh habitats. Smart Wetlands are not deep enough for fish, but the native emergent wetland vegetation will attract many species of pollinators, waterfowl, birds, and other species. With the surrounding buffer of native grasses and/or flowering plants, Smart Wetlands create an attractive area where landowners can enjoy nature.
Will a smart wetland work for my farm?
There are several conditions necessary for a Smart Wetland to be an appropriate practice for reducing nutrient runoff from your cropland.
Your farm may be a good candidate if:
Your land is tile-drained
You have marginal, low-revenue land along a waterway, ditch, or stream
You are willing to set aside 3 or more acres of land for the wetland and its surrounding buffer
Each potential location is evaluated to determine if the hydrology, soils, and topography profile are appropriate for a Smart Wetland.
While the practice has a higher installation cost in comparison to an in-field practice, it is a one-time cost, and the wetland can operate with little maintenance for 30 or more years. Financial assistance is available through both federal conservation programs and the Wetlands Initiative.
Also, this edge-of-field practice does not require the farmer to change the farming practices used within the field.
Constructed wetlands prove to be one of the most cost-efficient nutrient reduction solutions, in cost per pound of nitrogen and cost per acre treated per year. Christianson, L.E., J. Frankenberger, C. Hay, M.J. Helmers, and G. Sands, 2016. Ten Ways to Reduce Nitrogen Loads from Drained Cropland in the Midwest. Pub. C1400, University of Illinois Extension
Interested? Request a consultation, no strings attached.
What is the process for getting one?
Smart Wetlands are developed using a four-step process at no cost to the landowner.